iris / 21 / female / the mechanic / 3/3
Iris went through Orio much like Eros and Psyche, although she wasn't their first mechanic. In fact, Iris herself had a different team. She grew up with them and everything Orio taught her was learned with those two. Unfortunately, they were involved in an accident during their first launch to space; she was the only survivour. For many other students, this would be the end of their career due to emotional stress, but not for her. Iris' experience only made her stronger and awoke a determination to protect her team deep within her.
Within a few months, Iris was back to her usual self. She's a patient soul but is known to grow exasperated with certain things easily. Iris isn't much of a stickler for rules anymore, but still makes comments about following them and cares heavily about protocol due to her previous accident. All in all, she had a lot of love to give, and cares deeply for her new teammates.
EROS. the pilot & leader.
Iris met Eros long before they were assigned to the same team. She is several years older and thus was an instructor for the new recruits. They didn't really talk much, but she did remember training him. Their relationship started off a bit rocky at first as Eros also lost his mechanic and was a bit reluctant to give up the position just yet, but they have eventually become friends and get along great.
PSYCHE. the navigator.
Iris met Psyche for the first time when she was first assigned to their trio. She gets along with him considerably better than Eros as he was much more supportive of her joining. Although he still gets on her nerves with his antics, Iris cares for him deeply.
